Ghost Help

Ghost Help resources

The terminology discussed throughout this site can be found on the main site link; Glossary.

Interested in ghost investigation? See the other side at the Researcher / Investigator site, but again, we do not recommend investigating your own events!

Looking for a ghost group in Ohio? The Ohio Paranormal Groups List was created by Brian in 2008. While it is not a complete list (and probably not current due to groups coming and going so quickly) it will offer you a good idea of groups in your area.

Web resources

Searching for a group elsewhere in the United States or the world? Try Paranormal Societies. While this site is rarely updated it will give you a good glimpse at groups that may still exist in your area.

The Online Paranormal Society Directory - The Online Paranormal Society Directory

The Power of Belief - Paranormal claims may be centered on belief systems and can alter the reality of what is happening; this is known as the belief bias effect.

Paranormal Institute